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Fares, Multi-Ride Options, Transfers

General Fare

Full/General Fare is $1 one-way for all individuals ages 9 and up. 

Children under age 8 ride for free.

Free and Discounted Fares

Free and discounted fare as available to eligible individuals.

Students and Youth

  • Children under 8 years, Free
  • Davenport Community School District Students with valid School ID, Free
  • Other K-12 Students with School ID, $.50
  • Palmer Chiropractic, St. Ambrose University, and Scott Community College students with valid School ID, Free
  • Other college students, with current college/university photo ID or current college/university ID and a photo ID, $.50
  • Persons with Disabilities, with valid CitiBus issued PWD ID (Yellow Card), $.50


  • Seniors, Ages 60+, with valid CitiBus issued Senior ID (White Card), $.50
  • Persons with Disabilities, with valid CitiBus issued PWD ID (Yellow Card), $.50
  • Any valid Medicare issued ID, photo ID may be requested to verify identity, $.50
  • Unemployed, with valid CitiBus issued Unemployed ID Card (Orange Card), $.50
  • Veterans, with a valid VA card or State issued ID with Veteran Stamp, may ride for free. A valid VA must presented when boarding.
Paying For Fare

Paying the Fare.  Pay per trip using one of the following methods:

  • Exact change (Cash refunds are not available)
  • Using a 7-Day or 30-Day Pass. The 7-Day Pass is $6, and the 30-Day Pass is $22.*
  • Bus Token**
  • The QC Passport 

Cash refunds are not available.

* 7 and 30-Day passes are available for purchase at Davenport City Hall, located at 226 W 4th St.

** Bus Tokens may be purchased in rolls of 50 tokens at Davenport City Hall, located at 226 W 4th St. The cost is $42.50 per roll regular fare, and $21.00 per roll for those who qualify for half fare as detailed above. Submit this form to request tokens. 


Transfers are used when you need more than one bus route to complete your trip.

Eligible transfers are free. See the rules on transfers below.

If you need a transfer please let your driver know this WHEN YOU BOARD.

Rules for Transfers

  •  Transfers must be used within three (3) hours of being issued, and a different route must be used each time. Full fare is required for outdated and/or damaged transfer slips. 
  •  When re-boarding as part of a transfer, present your transfer 1/2 to 2" inches in front of the QR Code reader located to the left of the SmartCard farebox.
  • Riders cannot re-board the same route with a transfer. If the same route is boarded, the rider must pay a new fare.  
  •  Lost, stolen or forgotten transfers will require full payment in cash to board and ride any CitiBus.

For example:  you board the bus, pay your fare and ask for a transfer. You may then take the bus to the store, do some shopping, then - so long as you are boarding a different bus route than you took to the store - you may use the transfer to board another bus and pay no fare. You may do this up to 2 more times on the CitiBus system.

Any dispute involving any of the above policies will require the rider to pay full fare in cash in order to ride. Riders may follow up on the issue by: filling out a complaint form at the CitiBus Office located at the Ground Transportation Center, 300 W River Dr; by phone at 563.888.2151, or by e-mailing usAny complaints found to be valid will be reimbursed with a bus token for another ride.

Question?  Call 563.888.2151.

On Demand for Individuals Who Work on Sunday